Monday, August 10, 2009

Can Using SAAS help you small business save money?

As far as tech gadgets are concerned, it seems like iPhones and BlackBerry's have all the popularity. But in the world of small-business owners (and consumers), netbook computers, with prices below $500, are increasingly popular.

They're small, affordable and functional--once you get used to the small screens and keyboards. As your company is looking into what technology to invest in, consider issuing a netbook with wireless broadband to every employee who travels.

For the last two weeks, I've been using hosted applications exclusively, and in some ways, the experience is better than using software. One thing's for sure: There's a lot less to backup.

The benefit of using a netbook with hosted applications is that the netbook becomes an almost disposal appliance, like a cell phone. If it's lost or stolen, there's no worry about data being compromised. As long as the user has access to the internet, they can access all the applications they need online.

In some scenarios, using traditional software is a must. For example, try editing or viewing more than a handful of photographs online. It's too slow.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

The hidden cost of Google Apps

The hidden cost of Google Apps
Cheap software can become pricey when the learning curve eats into your business's productivity.

( -- What happens when a business throws out its scheduling and collaboration tools and replaces them with Google's low-cost, online business software? To find out, we at Blumsday migrated our entire shop of roughly a dozen employees and contractors to test out Google Apps.

Six months in, it's clear that Google Apps is remarkably powerful for collaboration in many ways that Microsoft Office is not. But, unfortunately for small businesses looking to stretch their IT dollars in these hard times, Google Apps is far from perfect.

Google Consulting

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Cloud vs. SaaS For Small Business

Cloud vs. SaaS For Small Business
Posted by Andrew Conry-Murray @ 12:18:PM | Jan,28, 2009

A new survey shows small business is shy of the cloud. At the same time, a SaaS provider that focuses on SMBs is growing fast. Does SaaS resonate more than "cloud"?

Some 73% of small businesses aren't familiar with the term "cloud hosting," and 57% have no plans to adopt it. That's according to a new survey from Rackspace, which surveyed small and midsize businesses on their awareness of cloud hosting.

I found that to be a surprise, given that small and medium-sized companies can get some real benefits from cloud-based services, such as storage, archiving, e-mail, and Web hosting.

I asked Rackspace CTO John Engates what he makes of these results. "I think it's probably partially the sheer number of messages that are out there in cloud land. I think they are erring on the side that this is just a buzz word."

He says small businesses don't have the time and resources to explore all the incarnations of cloud services. "The smaller they are, the more focused they are on hitting next's week's goals. They don't think about the cloud."

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Cloud Consulting

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Cloud Now has an OS (that you can host)

The first publicly available eyeOS version was released on August 1, 2005 as eyeOS 0.6.0 in Barcelona (Spain).At the time, it greatly participated in creating the definition of a web operating system and acted as a concept. Quickly, a worldwide community of developers took part in the project and helped improve it by translating, testing and developing it.

After two years of development, the eyeOS Team published eyeOS 1.0[3] (on June 4, 2007). Compared with previous versions, eyeOS 1.0 introduced a complete reorganization of the code and some new web technologies, like eyeSoft, a portage-based web software installation system. Moreover, eyeOS also included the eyeOS Toolkit, a set of libraries allowing easy and fast development of new web Applications.[4]

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Cloud Technical Consulting Or Support

Friday, May 22, 2009

Website Design Try before you buy

Dedicated Business Designs is bringing a new approach to webdesign. As many of you know and may have experienced the many template programs that are available today at extremely low rates. Unfortunately many small business owners dont have the time to build these sites even after they have paid for them as well as the fact that some of these tools just cant give the polished look and feel of a professional website.  

This is where we come in we are offering the small business owner a 3-5 page website at $199 here is the best part try before you buy. Here's how it works , simply call us or email us and we will immediately begin work on your project no money down, no credit card, no games, no gimmicks. After your site is complete we will send you the link to it, you view it, you like it you buy it. No obligation to buy if you dont like it dont pay for it no harm no foul. Small business owners give it try this time you just might get the site you expected with out being taking to the cleaners and without having to pay upfront.

Dedicated Business Designs 

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

The ultimate small business or startup CRM

Zoho for SOHO
Gerry Blackwell
July 30, 2007

We're writing this introduction to the Zoho suite of online, browser-based office productivity tools using, appropriately enough, Zoho Writer, the word processor module. Hey, it works; and quite well, actually. Zoho Writer even boasts some nifty features you don't find in more advanced word processors.

If you detect a note of surprise here, it's because ZW is offered free of charge by creator AdventNet Inc., a California-based custom software house that does its development work in India. Not only is the application free, you also get unlimited free document storage on the Zoho servers, at least for now while the product remains in beta. After that, AdventNet says it will provide only 1GB of storage per customer.

Zoho Writer
Zoho Writer gives you plenty of word processing features. It may not be Word, but then again, it won't cost you a penny. (Click for larger image).

The suite includes 12 modules, most "100 percent free," a few not. Among the other 100-percent free modules: spreadsheet, presentation creator, organizer and database manager. Whether they will always be free is not clear. One wonders how the company expects to make money from Zoho.

It does charge for some modules. The project management tool is free for one project, with prices for additional projects starting at $5. And Zoho CRM, a basic customer relationship management program, is free for up to three people, $12 per month per additional person.

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Zoho has much improved since this writing if you need setup or configuration service contact us 877-400-9321 or click here

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10 Free Must-Have Windows Networking Apps By Joseph Moran

10 Free Must-Have Windows Networking Apps
By Joseph Moran
May 8, 2009

As the famous proverb says, the best things in life are free. These 10 utilities may not change your life, but they’re all helpful with a particular aspect of networking and none of them will cost you a dime. (Unless otherwise noted, the utilities listed here are Windows-only.)

1. CrossLoop

When you want to get help with a computer problem from a friend— or help a friend with a problem—you can use the Windows Remote Assistance feature, but it doesn’t always work reliably through routers and firewalls.

CrossLoop, on the other hand, makes providing or receiving remote support a cinch. This remote desktop utility lets you view or control someone’s system (with their permission, of course) allows file transfers, and does it all over an encrypted link. CrossLoop installs quickly, works through firewalls with little to no configuration, and lets you connect to others using randomly generated 12-digit access codes.

2. Gladinet

There are plenty of places on the Web where you can store many gigabytes worth of files. Accessing such “cloud-based” storage usually involves logging onto a service via a browser and/or using a custom UI in order to transfer files, but Gladinet Starter Edition gives you a more convenient alternative.

Gladinet Starter Edition lets you access various online storage services as “virtual directories”, so you can get to your files right from My Computer on the Windows desktop. (The utility currently supports Amazon S3, ADrive, Google Docs and Picasa, and Windows Live SkyDrive).

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Small biz owners think about CRM before Quickbooks

When your company communicates with your customers the process can involve many different people within both organizations using a variety of different methods. The main tool that is used is an order that is communicated by your customer to your sales department. However this is only one of many communications that should be managed. To ensure that your company can provide the best customer service experience possible the use of customer relationship management (CRM) software should be considered.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Small Business Owners: Think you need a server for your office? Think again most techs say yes I assure you they are lying!

Windows server $2500 or My book World edition server $400 you decide
Recently we had a small home office 5 computers, husband and wife team with 2 employees and a graphic designer. The Problem: they were looking for a centralized storage system were all files could be stored and shared but the owners did not want financial data to be accessible to the entire office. Our client needed to keep cost down but productivity high,this is pretty common for us since many small business owners start out on  boot strap funding. Prior to calling us our competitors came in with the traditional windows client server setup at a cost of $5000 to $9000 for this simple office setup.

Our solution: First thing was to go out and get computers that were running Windows XP (we would have preferred to use Ubuntu but our client denied the OS) Quick Note: on software Windows Vista sucks my apologies Microsoft, but it is not a good OS no matter how much they spend trying to convince me. Our solution was to install the Ethernet western digital my book as their file server with its simple security features we were able to make folders accessible with password protection. This enabled the client  to have a central storage system and keep the financial data secure from all but the owners (it also has remote access). We recently went back in to add more storage for the client so we just connected another WD World Book to the existing one and presto another 1 tb of storage available.

Clients Final cost is as follows:
5 New Computer @ 400 each from dell $2500
1 TB World Book -$350
Total Cost $3350

As of this writing our client is also using SaaS as well to keep software cost down and support the 2 employees since those employees  now work from home, but we will save that for another writing.

End Note: Technology has transformed the way we work and the entire office structure, unfortunately many computer technicians are not accepting this change due to lower profit margins. If you are a small business owner, you may want to use a computer consultant rather than a technician since most consultants are unbiased because they are getting paid from their knowledge versus the products you purchase. 

For more information on how this could work for you and your organization contact us at 877-400-9321 or visit our website at 

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Marketing must come first !!

The true mission of all business
Most companies have a marketing division, a product
development division, and a customer service division. Most
companies think of these as three separate and distinct

Very often the product development people never talk to the
marketing people and the marketing people never talk to the
product development people. Meanwhile, the customer service
people have almost non stature in the company and are
thought of mainly as clerks.

There are also administrative people who do things like
accounting and make sure the elevators work and that
everyone has a computer and a desk.

The administrative people often have little idea of what
the company even does, much less any sense of the marketing

What catastrophic mistakes these are.
Marketing should never be a “division” or a
“Department” within a company. Instead, the entire company
Should be about Marketing.

Everyone in the company should be involved in
Marketing. A receptionist is not a low-wage worker; he or
She is one of your vital marketers.

Your receptionist and those who answer the phones are the
voice of your company to your customers and clients. Your
accounting people are not bean counters, but should be
integrally involved in making your marketing more efficient
and productive. Everyone in every company should understand
that their paychecks come from one and only one source:

Without customers, without sales, there are no paychecks.
Everyone in every company should be thinking all the time
about how to create happy experiences for customers.
Everyone in the company should be first and foremost a

The chairman of the company should think of almost nothing
else but marketing. The product development people should
think of marketing first when they develop their products.
What good is it to develop a great product or provide a
great service that no one wants?

All products must be developed with the market for the
product at the forefront. “Do our prospects and customers
want this thing we’re making?” is the question the product
development people must always ask.

Meanwhile, the finance people, the accountants, and the
lawyers should not ask, “How can we make our lives easier?”
Instead they should ask, “How can we make it easier for
people to do business with us? Do we really need to require
our customers to fill out all these forms when they buy? Do
we really need to require our customers to sign long
agreements that no one reads? Do we really need these awful
disclaimers in tiny print on our order forms?”

The janitor is not a janitor. A janitor is a key marketing
person whose job is to make sure the place looks neat and
clean—like a company people will want to do business with.
No matter what business you are in, your company should be
a marketing company first—because marketing by definition
means “creating happy customers and clients.”

Thursday, May 7, 2009

True definition of marketing.

Let's first understand the true definition of marketing.

Marketing is not sales. Sales are an element of marketing.
But if your marketing is done right, you should never need
to make another sales call. You'll just be taking in orders
and shipping product. Or you'll just be accepting the jobs
you want to do. No more scrambling for work.

No more wondering how the bills for next month will be paid.
Marketing is not really selling at all. Marketing is the
process of putting bait in the water to attract leads, and
then putting your leads into a sifting and sorting system
that will allow you to identify your most likely customers.

You then keep putting yourself and your product in front of
your most qualified leads until they want to buy. You give
your leads great information in the form of newsletters and
emails that will keep them interested-not heavy-handed
sales pitches, but valuable free information that they look
forward to receiving. This, in summary, is how you
transform yourself from being an annoying pest into a
welcome guest in your prospect's home.

That's marketing, not sales.
Yes, sales are the end result of all your marketing.
Certainly you can't make a penny until a sale is made. The
sale is everything in business. The sale is the one and
only goal of all Business. But you are no longer a salesman.
You are amarketer. And there's a world of difference.
Good marketers are rich.

Salesmen are almost all
Poor and struggling, like Willie Loman in Arthur Miller's
Death of a Salesman. Not happy story. You don't want to be
Willie Loman. You want to be Bill Gates, Ross Perot, or
Donald Trump. These men are marketers. These men don't make
sales calls. And neither should you.

Even if you are in a sales position-say, selling cars or
selling houses-never think of yourself as a salesman.
The great salesmen are really marketers. They aren't
pounding the pavement and making cold calls.
Marketing is working smart.

Selling is working stupid. Be a marketer, not a salesman.
Study marketing. Live and breathe marketing. And your life
will be so much more pleasant and lucrative. Marketing is
your strategy. Marketing is your road map. Marketing is
your system. Marketing is all that goes into laying the
groundwork and establishing the preconditions that end in a

And if the marketing is done right, you don't really need a
sales force. What you need are customer service people and
order takers. What you need is a mechanism, a system, to
handle all the business that pours in, seemingly magically,
seemingly on its own, almost out of thin air.

Except it's not magic, on its own, or out of thin air. The
customers and clients that will line up at your door and
swamp your business are the result of careful planning and
execution of your overall marketing strategy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

North American Union

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Can your small business get both affordable professional-class IT service and peace of mind?

Can your small business get both affordable professional-class IT service and peace of mind? The secret lies in having a technology services provider handle your technical solutions.
To stay competitive, small businesses must make the most of current technology. But it’s expensive, time consuming, and inefficient to maintain a full-time IT department like larger companies. A true Professional Technology Services Provider offers on-demand talent, depth of experience, deep resources and huge economies of scale. Here are the top 10 benefits you’ll see.

Benefit #1: Stay Focused On Core Business Functions
People are happiest doing what they do best. And they get frustrated by tasks that distract them from it. Researching solutions, implementing new technology and fixing IT-related problems are extremely inefficient for non-IT professionals. Free up internal staff for revenue-generating functions and the business of business.

Benefit #2: Tap Economies Of Scale And Purchasing Power
Due to a single focus on IT, technology services providers achieve greater efficiencies and economies of scale. They consolidate purchasing power and have access to deep and broad knowledge bases. Using developed best practices, tasks are completed more efficiently than small businesses can do on their own. The means real cost savings– both in time and money.

Benefit #3: Reduce Cost and Control Operating Expenses
The business value of technology services providers results in very hard dollar savings. In almost all cases, small businesses will spend 25% to 50% less than the cost of even one mid-level IT professional. Then take recruiting, training, vacation, sick days, turnover and other management issues out of the equation to see even more savings. Costs are budgeted, predictable and controlled.

Benefit #4: Access Highly Specialized Talent
Small businesses cannot cost effectively achieve the scale and flexibility to properly support their technology environments. Even a very experienced and dedicated IT employee has limits to skills and avenues for help. Professional technology services providers offer access to teams of IT specialists that deliver the cross-sectional IT knowledge needed to provide both on-going and critical support for small business networks.

Benefit #5: Get Services On-Demand
Many small businesses face the challenges of growth and the burden of scaling back. Both cases present a genuine HR problem when relying on in-house IT resources. Small businesses need the agility of just-in-time resources for emergencies and the flexibility to adjust technology support levels. With a professional technology services provider, sudden changes won’t affect the livelihood or morale of employees.

Benefit #6: Help Employees Innovate and Stay Productive
Communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing allows employees to innovate. These capabilities are delivered through a multitude of technologies including file servers, central databases, broadband connectivity, mobile platforms, email communications, and many others. However, true productivity and business benefit can only be realized when this complex technology is properly planned, implemented and maintained. The best practices and comprehensive experiences around planning, implementing and maintaining such systems allow technology services providers to successfully deliver these productivity improvements.

Benefit #7: Reduce Downtime
Even a few minutes of systems downtime carry enormous business costs. Maximizing uptime must be a high priority. Small businesses can longer afford issues with internet connectivity, email communications, corrupt data or systems failure-the cost of reacting to these events is just too high. Professional technology services providers offer planned, measured approaches to pro-active systems maintenance, security, backup and disaster recovery.Benefit #8: Get A Technology Edge Over Competitors
Don’t just level the playing field: take advantage of new technologies for a competitive advantage. Technology services providers keep up with the latest solutions through ongoing training and real-world experience. They know how to implement the latest hardware, software, and network applications available. Just as important: they know which technologies are not worth the investment.

Benefit #9: Attract and Retain Employees
Employees want to work in an environment where their computers are up and running. Employees want to be competitive with their rivals and they want the technology tools that really help them deliver. Potential new talent will weigh your company’s technology prowess. Utilizing a professional technology services provider allows small businesses to meet these expectations and increases the ability to attract and retain employees.

Benefit #10: Access Otherwise Unavailable Vendor Support
Access to manufacturers is crucial in effectively supporting complex technology. When available, technology manufacturers traditionally provide basic or unreliable direct end-user support. With a well-established professional technology services provider, small businesses enjoy the benefits of priority access to Microsoft, Cisco and thousands of other technology vendors.

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Save Business Expenses with Netbooks

By Zack Stern

Why Do You Need New Systems?

Can you use netbooks for business? The answer depends on your specific needs, but there's a good chance you can with current hardware. And more powerful, upcoming hardware is even more likely to work. Don't rely on netbooks beyond their light-use design. If you're replacing aging desktop PCs, netbooks will likely run at similar speeds without any perceived upgrade over the old hardware. A smaller case is nice but probably nets a result of wasted money.

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How can I implement new technology into my business?

How can I implement new technology into my business?
I own a courier service business. Currently, I don't really employ much technology. What sort of cutting-edge software might benefit my business? I would like to use technology to boost my marketing/branding efforts too.

Asked by asad khan
Posted: Thursday, April 09, 2009  |  Found in Internet/E-Commerce

More answers by Steve Adams
Answer by Steve Adams
There are a number of technologies that can help you with various aspects of the business. If you don't have one already, you should look into a good accounting package designed specifically for small businesses (rather than personal accounting software). They're fairly easy to use and will help you keep track of your cash flow and make things easier when tax time rolls around.

You'll also want some sort of customer relationship management (CRM) system. Being able to capture information about customers -- especially their preferences and quirks -- really helps with building repeat business. It can also help you see who your best customers are so you can market to them more effectively. You can either purchase software to run it yourself, or you can use a "hosted" model where you login on the Internet to use it but the supplier takes care of all the technical management.
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

How SaaS Helps Cut Small Business Costs

How SaaS Helps Cut Small Business Costs

When you have to lay off staff, software-as-a-service can often make up the difference, especially in sales and marketing

Using SaaS Starr can run his marketing with just one employee Matthew Mahon

Every business wants a hot niche, and Starr Tincup had one. In 2003, the Fort Worth marketing and advertising startup decided to cater to software makers in the human resources industry—and quickly signed 20 customers. Then the growing pains set in. By 2005, staff had ballooned to 80 from 4, plus more than 200 contractors. But revenues were just $2.5 million, and soon Starr Tincup was $500,000 in debt.

Read the complete article click here

Question on how SaaS can help your business click here

Understanding the cloud

Here is a short video to help with the understanding of cloud computing. Small business owners can decrease operational cost significantly by using SaaS or cloud computing.
For More Information on cloud technologies and where it fits into your business model visit us at

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Technology sucks and I'm a tech

Sorry had to get that out but its true every word of it. Technology is great no denying it and at this point, who could live without it. This is exactly the point of this article. If you lose your cell phone, you have lost all your contacts. Computer crashes no business today. On the road forgot your laptop have to go back to get it. Gets home Cable/DSL router down no web surfing? Where does all this end, has our dependence on technology invaded our very life's to the core, unfortunately…...yes it has.

Let's talk about cell phones as our first example. I consistently hear people complain about the cost of a cell phone or the amount of the bill itself. Our problem is we only see the phone in our hand not the labor that went into it.

First, we have the assembly of the cell phone that we all know is pennies on the dollar due to foreign labor. (Foreign labor definitely another blog waiting to happen). Although the manufacturing of the phone itself may be inexpensive, what about the engineering of the phone, some electrical engineer (yearly salary $48,010) somewhere had to be paid to sit there and design that little black or silver phone in your pocket.
Secondly, we have the software designer (yearly salary $60,000) who has to design the software that allows voice dialing, surfing the web, speed dialing and the myriad of other features we find in our oh to familiar cell phones.

How to build a website in 5 minutes

You know you need a website for yourself or your organization. Now the only question is how you are going to go about doing it without breaking the bank. But at the same time, you don't want it to look cheap either, it needs to look professional and be easy to change when changes are needed.

Having a web site today has become a necessity for individuals and organizations alike. Your online presence matters much in the global world we live in, especially if you want to be heard, to make a difference, then having your website is essential.

Making your own website is even more important if you want to do business online, or want to promote your products or services online. An effective website can do wonders in the marketing domain and get you the sales you desperately need. What’s more is that a mere website can change you from having a local presence to having a global one.

So what do you do if you want to have a website? The first thoughts that come to mind are thoughts that will send jitters down your spine. Instantly when you think of making a professional, classy website, with a website design that is catchy, you think of hiring professional web designers, making them understand how you want your website to be, paying them hundreds (or thousands) of dollars to make the website and then paying them more, and possibly having to wait days or weeks, for every change you want in the future. That is sure to make you weary and your pocketbook thin. In the old days (a few years ago) that used to be about the only choice you had unless you wanted to grind it out on your own trying to learn HTML coding from scratch. Yuck!
Now with CSS programming, it's even more difficult to do on your own.

Fast forward to today: Now even a rank newbie can have their own professional website in just a few minutes. There are now some great options to make your very own website yourself with hardly any knowledge of programming or HTML or any of those complicated things. You can make your own website design, choose from a range of website templates and fill out the content the way you want, and, if you get the right website builder, you can make changes any time you want, whenever you want without it costing you anything extra. Making your own website has now become an affordable, do-it-yourself and easy thing to do, if, and I say if, you choose the right one.
But beware: choose the wrong web builder, and it could be a nightmare.
What you are looking for is an affordable, workable, professional looking website building tool preferably with a reasonable monthly fee of no more than $50 (to start) and preferably no contract. If you see them ask for a long-term contract, you should step back and reconsider.
Other options to look for in a web page builder is a user-friendly interface that will take you right through the website designing and website publishing process from start to finish. You want to be able to choose from a range of website templates, and you want to be able to change the writing and pictures on your website anytime you desire, even at 2am in the morning, for no extra cost. With the right website builder, there is no need to buy or master expensive and difficult to learn graphics programs. Less effort, less time, less money and better results can be had with the proper website building program.

try out our web builder software free

Remote Support Unveiled

Remote computer support is needed if you're unable to get local computer help, you want someone to fix your laptop problem quickly, or you don't have money to afford on site repair or home technicians.

In this article, I'll address:

-What is remote repair?
-How do I find the best remote support technicians?
-How can I leverage free remote help options?

What is remote computer support?
This basically happens via the internet - thus you must have a computer internet connection, preferably broadband, cable, ISDN, etc.

Remote computer help requires teleconferencing a technician to take over your computer and fix problems as if they were sitting in front of your laptop or desktop.

At the same time, support personnel will be talking to you on the phone or via VOIP for you to describe the problems and help aid in the solution.

Remote laptop and desktop help works best for software issues - hardware is very hard to solve over the phone or internet.

How do I find the best remote laptop support technicians?
Start with Google Search. Look for the following keywords:

-remote laptop repair
-distance desktop inspection
-online PC installation
-best PC technicians
-remote PC technicians
-internet laptop repair

That's just a start. When finding remote diagnostic options, you need to consider price, availability, expertise, and references.

Don't be scammed - often online inspection personnel will take over your computer and steal personal information such as credit cards, insurance, passwords, etc.

Whether laptop or desktop, PC or mac, best Anti-virus or no Anti-virus, they can still do this.

How can I leverage free remote support options?

#1 is to ask friends and family. They are more trustworthy, and the computer help is usually free.

#2 is to ask desktop forums specific questions. They will tell you how to solve your software problems, without needing to remotely take control of your PC.

#3 is to find free electronics forums - there are plenty of these through Google and Yahoo! search. Setup a Skype account, and a video teleconferencing account, and you can get started on free repair support!

Anything else I need to know about distance desktop repair?

There are many options - from online assistance over phone, to support by videoconferencing, to support by technicians taking control of your desktop through a remote portal.

Consider variables mentioned earlier - price, reliability, and availability. With all computer problems, you want them fixed fast! It's frustrating dealing with very slow computers and not knowing how to troubleshoot computers when needed.

Finally, think about local repair centers. These are not much more expensive and can be much more reliable. These local shops and support stores are brick-and-mortar, so you worry less about scams.

It's just another option if you're not 100% sure of remote computer support.

Hope that helps, best of luck in solving all of your hardware and software problems.

JD Chang is an expert computer technician specializing in PC repair. Click here to solve your PC support problems. Learn about remote computer support now and save $1000s in the next 10 minutes!

Article Source:
Need a problem Solved click the link

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

3 Part Series on Cloud Computing For Small Business: Part III

Why are so many small companies still dealing with the Microsoft epidemic? We consider it an epidemic because it's a corporate sickness that we have learned to accept even if it cost us thousands per year to deal with. Case in point exchange server, it can be argued why exchange server is a viable option for large enterprises, what I find most amusing is when a company of 20 or less computers will defend there position on the choice of exchange server over free applications like ZOHO or Google. An exchange server is used for email collaboration and calender sharing there are more features but this is the main reason for an exchange server.

Exchange Server first must be configured by a certified server expert, then as adds and changes begin the cost of ownership of this solution begins to grow as well as whenever Microsoft decides they no longer want to support it in lieu of their bigger and better solution you will then be forced to upgrade.  Don't believe me? You want proof windows 95, 98, ME, 2000,XP, and soon to come windows 7. There is the proof of the Microsoft epidemic no matter how good a system operates Microsoft will always want more money, your money, and as long you remain under the guise of MS you will be continually pushed to the new product....period.

A New frontier, options like ZOHO and Google apps can create the same functionality as the MS products at fractions of the cost of the MS alternative, this is where the naysayers will have you to believe that somehow these solutions are inferior or not as secure as the MS option to that I say nonsense. Small business owner are consistenly being instructed about the security issues of computing although on the other hand we do internet banking, credit card processing, online purchasing and so much more via the internet. So how is that using a remote solution or cloud solution can be detrimental to your business again utter nonsense.

Using a cloud solution may be detrimental to business, their business so of course major corporations software vendors, and the technicians that install them will not want you to use free or low cost solution. So below is a video on google docs and we are a consulting firm that will steer you in the most profitable direction for your business so enjoy the video and call us if you need a question or two answered. 877-400-9321

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Part Two 3 Part Series on Cloud Computing For Small Business: Part II

Why Small Business Should Consider CRM Software

Part 2

CRM system contains a vast depositary of data, data that can be exploited in your marketing campaigns to allow relevant and targeted literature to be distributed. While CRM systems can be hugely beneficial to your marketing campaigns, some have integrated features that are designed specifically to allow marketers to extract the useful data held with in the system. Some systems such as Sales Logix have specifically designed marketing modules to add extra functionality to marketing departments.

Generically these add-ons are divided into various features encompassing; campaign management, Email marketing, dynamic segmentation, campaign reporting and lead capture. Utilising each of these features can add an extra dimension to your Marketing Mix and have a real impact on the success of your marketing campaigns.

CRM systems can be excellent organisation tools, allowing members of staff to keep track of tasks, to-dos and targets. Campaign Management sections in marketing modules allow marketing staff to track every stage of the marketing process from budgets and released material, to generated leads and follow through sales.

CRM systems can help to ensure that marketing proposals stay on track and are delivered on time, and in budget. Essentially marketing modules can reduce the amount of time spent setting up and maintaining marketing campaigns. Campaign management functionality can be of huge benefit to marketing personnel and can improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

The real marketing benefit of a CRM system is the wealth of information that is stored with in it. Names, contact details, purchase preferences and location can all provide marketing departments with an edge. Without the means to extract this information, it is essentially useless. Good Marketing modules can automatically create contact groups based on preset criteria to allow you to send only the most targeted and relevant information.

Furthermore, some CRM systems have the ability to create dynamic groups, groups that are updated automatically as and when user preferences change. This feature can be especially useful to marketers who market in the consumer rather then the business-to-business market due to the constant changes in purchase preferences.

Some CRM systems now include features to allow E-marketing materials to be sent to the contacts held with in the database. Utilising segmentation functionality, marketing modules can allow high quality HTML emails to be sent to groups within the companies' database. Some marketing CRM programmes will also take care of unsubscribe and send to a friend features offering a real alternative to more expensive email marketing programmes.

Marketing modules, such as the one within Sales Logix allow marketing personnel to analyse the success of their marketing campaigns. Using the campaign reporting functionality to check click through, opening and response rates can provide marketing departments with a real insight into what they are doing well and what needs to be improved. Good quality campaign reports provide a real repository of information that can prove invaluable to businesses across all sectors.

There can be little doubt that the majority of businesses will benefit from marketing modules attached to their CRM systems. Integration with CRM products allows for useful data to be utilised to its full potential, furthermore the organisational benefits that campaign management features offer will be invaluable to the majority of marketing departments, no matter how large or small.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Part One 3 Part Series on Cloud Computing For Small Business

Part 1

Small business owners SaaS may be the next thing you need to decrease cost for inter office productivity. Microsoft has although slow to the coming and overpriced has entered the SaaS arena. Luckily for you the small business owner you have far more (free) options then dealing with the monopoly giant. Some great services to look at are ZOHO which is truly designed for the Small Office Home Office or Google Apps designed for the same target market. After reviewing the video below hopefully you will have a great idea on what the services can do to decrease your IT cost. Contact us if you have any questions on a cloud implementation for your office the call is free so call now 877-400-9321