Thursday, April 30, 2009

Technology sucks and I'm a tech

Sorry had to get that out but its true every word of it. Technology is great no denying it and at this point, who could live without it. This is exactly the point of this article. If you lose your cell phone, you have lost all your contacts. Computer crashes no business today. On the road forgot your laptop have to go back to get it. Gets home Cable/DSL router down no web surfing? Where does all this end, has our dependence on technology invaded our very life's to the core, unfortunately…...yes it has.

Let's talk about cell phones as our first example. I consistently hear people complain about the cost of a cell phone or the amount of the bill itself. Our problem is we only see the phone in our hand not the labor that went into it.

First, we have the assembly of the cell phone that we all know is pennies on the dollar due to foreign labor. (Foreign labor definitely another blog waiting to happen). Although the manufacturing of the phone itself may be inexpensive, what about the engineering of the phone, some electrical engineer (yearly salary $48,010) somewhere had to be paid to sit there and design that little black or silver phone in your pocket.
Secondly, we have the software designer (yearly salary $60,000) who has to design the software that allows voice dialing, surfing the web, speed dialing and the myriad of other features we find in our oh to familiar cell phones.

How to build a website in 5 minutes

You know you need a website for yourself or your organization. Now the only question is how you are going to go about doing it without breaking the bank. But at the same time, you don't want it to look cheap either, it needs to look professional and be easy to change when changes are needed.

Having a web site today has become a necessity for individuals and organizations alike. Your online presence matters much in the global world we live in, especially if you want to be heard, to make a difference, then having your website is essential.

Making your own website is even more important if you want to do business online, or want to promote your products or services online. An effective website can do wonders in the marketing domain and get you the sales you desperately need. What’s more is that a mere website can change you from having a local presence to having a global one.

So what do you do if you want to have a website? The first thoughts that come to mind are thoughts that will send jitters down your spine. Instantly when you think of making a professional, classy website, with a website design that is catchy, you think of hiring professional web designers, making them understand how you want your website to be, paying them hundreds (or thousands) of dollars to make the website and then paying them more, and possibly having to wait days or weeks, for every change you want in the future. That is sure to make you weary and your pocketbook thin. In the old days (a few years ago) that used to be about the only choice you had unless you wanted to grind it out on your own trying to learn HTML coding from scratch. Yuck!
Now with CSS programming, it's even more difficult to do on your own.

Fast forward to today: Now even a rank newbie can have their own professional website in just a few minutes. There are now some great options to make your very own website yourself with hardly any knowledge of programming or HTML or any of those complicated things. You can make your own website design, choose from a range of website templates and fill out the content the way you want, and, if you get the right website builder, you can make changes any time you want, whenever you want without it costing you anything extra. Making your own website has now become an affordable, do-it-yourself and easy thing to do, if, and I say if, you choose the right one.
But beware: choose the wrong web builder, and it could be a nightmare.
What you are looking for is an affordable, workable, professional looking website building tool preferably with a reasonable monthly fee of no more than $50 (to start) and preferably no contract. If you see them ask for a long-term contract, you should step back and reconsider.
Other options to look for in a web page builder is a user-friendly interface that will take you right through the website designing and website publishing process from start to finish. You want to be able to choose from a range of website templates, and you want to be able to change the writing and pictures on your website anytime you desire, even at 2am in the morning, for no extra cost. With the right website builder, there is no need to buy or master expensive and difficult to learn graphics programs. Less effort, less time, less money and better results can be had with the proper website building program.

try out our web builder software free

Remote Support Unveiled

Remote computer support is needed if you're unable to get local computer help, you want someone to fix your laptop problem quickly, or you don't have money to afford on site repair or home technicians.

In this article, I'll address:

-What is remote repair?
-How do I find the best remote support technicians?
-How can I leverage free remote help options?

What is remote computer support?
This basically happens via the internet - thus you must have a computer internet connection, preferably broadband, cable, ISDN, etc.

Remote computer help requires teleconferencing a technician to take over your computer and fix problems as if they were sitting in front of your laptop or desktop.

At the same time, support personnel will be talking to you on the phone or via VOIP for you to describe the problems and help aid in the solution.

Remote laptop and desktop help works best for software issues - hardware is very hard to solve over the phone or internet.

How do I find the best remote laptop support technicians?
Start with Google Search. Look for the following keywords:

-remote laptop repair
-distance desktop inspection
-online PC installation
-best PC technicians
-remote PC technicians
-internet laptop repair

That's just a start. When finding remote diagnostic options, you need to consider price, availability, expertise, and references.

Don't be scammed - often online inspection personnel will take over your computer and steal personal information such as credit cards, insurance, passwords, etc.

Whether laptop or desktop, PC or mac, best Anti-virus or no Anti-virus, they can still do this.

How can I leverage free remote support options?

#1 is to ask friends and family. They are more trustworthy, and the computer help is usually free.

#2 is to ask desktop forums specific questions. They will tell you how to solve your software problems, without needing to remotely take control of your PC.

#3 is to find free electronics forums - there are plenty of these through Google and Yahoo! search. Setup a Skype account, and a video teleconferencing account, and you can get started on free repair support!

Anything else I need to know about distance desktop repair?

There are many options - from online assistance over phone, to support by videoconferencing, to support by technicians taking control of your desktop through a remote portal.

Consider variables mentioned earlier - price, reliability, and availability. With all computer problems, you want them fixed fast! It's frustrating dealing with very slow computers and not knowing how to troubleshoot computers when needed.

Finally, think about local repair centers. These are not much more expensive and can be much more reliable. These local shops and support stores are brick-and-mortar, so you worry less about scams.

It's just another option if you're not 100% sure of remote computer support.

Hope that helps, best of luck in solving all of your hardware and software problems.

JD Chang is an expert computer technician specializing in PC repair. Click here to solve your PC support problems. Learn about remote computer support now and save $1000s in the next 10 minutes!

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