Monday, August 10, 2009

Can Using SAAS help you small business save money?

As far as tech gadgets are concerned, it seems like iPhones and BlackBerry's have all the popularity. But in the world of small-business owners (and consumers), netbook computers, with prices below $500, are increasingly popular.

They're small, affordable and functional--once you get used to the small screens and keyboards. As your company is looking into what technology to invest in, consider issuing a netbook with wireless broadband to every employee who travels.

For the last two weeks, I've been using hosted applications exclusively, and in some ways, the experience is better than using software. One thing's for sure: There's a lot less to backup.

The benefit of using a netbook with hosted applications is that the netbook becomes an almost disposal appliance, like a cell phone. If it's lost or stolen, there's no worry about data being compromised. As long as the user has access to the internet, they can access all the applications they need online.

In some scenarios, using traditional software is a must. For example, try editing or viewing more than a handful of photographs online. It's too slow.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

The hidden cost of Google Apps

The hidden cost of Google Apps
Cheap software can become pricey when the learning curve eats into your business's productivity.

( -- What happens when a business throws out its scheduling and collaboration tools and replaces them with Google's low-cost, online business software? To find out, we at Blumsday migrated our entire shop of roughly a dozen employees and contractors to test out Google Apps.

Six months in, it's clear that Google Apps is remarkably powerful for collaboration in many ways that Microsoft Office is not. But, unfortunately for small businesses looking to stretch their IT dollars in these hard times, Google Apps is far from perfect.

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Cloud vs. SaaS For Small Business

Cloud vs. SaaS For Small Business
Posted by Andrew Conry-Murray @ 12:18:PM | Jan,28, 2009

A new survey shows small business is shy of the cloud. At the same time, a SaaS provider that focuses on SMBs is growing fast. Does SaaS resonate more than "cloud"?

Some 73% of small businesses aren't familiar with the term "cloud hosting," and 57% have no plans to adopt it. That's according to a new survey from Rackspace, which surveyed small and midsize businesses on their awareness of cloud hosting.

I found that to be a surprise, given that small and medium-sized companies can get some real benefits from cloud-based services, such as storage, archiving, e-mail, and Web hosting.

I asked Rackspace CTO John Engates what he makes of these results. "I think it's probably partially the sheer number of messages that are out there in cloud land. I think they are erring on the side that this is just a buzz word."

He says small businesses don't have the time and resources to explore all the incarnations of cloud services. "The smaller they are, the more focused they are on hitting next's week's goals. They don't think about the cloud."

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Cloud Now has an OS (that you can host)

The first publicly available eyeOS version was released on August 1, 2005 as eyeOS 0.6.0 in Barcelona (Spain).At the time, it greatly participated in creating the definition of a web operating system and acted as a concept. Quickly, a worldwide community of developers took part in the project and helped improve it by translating, testing and developing it.

After two years of development, the eyeOS Team published eyeOS 1.0[3] (on June 4, 2007). Compared with previous versions, eyeOS 1.0 introduced a complete reorganization of the code and some new web technologies, like eyeSoft, a portage-based web software installation system. Moreover, eyeOS also included the eyeOS Toolkit, a set of libraries allowing easy and fast development of new web Applications.[4]

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